Saturday 4 April 2009

Adultery - Part II

Reasons of Infidelity

  • trying to improve one´s self-confidence and self-esteem - I find it to some extent understandable, especially when I imagine living years and years with someone who doesn´t notice any effort in looking beautiful except musing over the bills for clothes and perfume he can´t understand the importance of, and who brings me flowers or is especially nice to me just when he has done some mischief and needs my pardon. On the other hand, this is just not the way - first it leads nowhere and second most of men are like that in the end. So after some months with the new guy you are where you were before and what then? Though dumping him and finding another one for some months and then repeat it on and on might be a solution... it is a well observed fact people who do that spend the winter of their lives alone and die alone. I think either looking for that male exception or improving the one one has now is better, what do you think? And vice versa, of course.

  • looking for what we miss in relationship elsewhere - oftentimes it is not sex, but other needs that are not met by the current partner. Need for emotional fullfilment that is turned down at home for instance; need to share important parts of one´s life which are not possible to share with the partner because of his different interests; maltreatment and so forth

  • sexual disharmony - partners come into relationship with different sorts and amounts of experience, which is something that usually settles down after some time - if it doesn´t or if the wishes of the partners are too different, an infidelity may occur in time; it depends on the characters, temperaments and attitudes of each party concerned

  • fear of commitment - Autumn in New York is a classical example of movie about a man who has terrible problems with commitment, however doesn´t have at least the guts to end the relationship that is getting too serious - therefore all his adulteries are not about sex, but actually just provide his partner with reason to send him to hell

  • revenge - one of the saddest reasons, I think. Though in the end it might teach the one who cheated like first a lesson, if adultery is committed with a sole purpose to harm, the one you harm most by such act is yourself

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