Tuesday 31 March 2009

Body Modification - Part III

Plastic Operation

To me the increasing number of teenage girls undergoing even multiple plastic surgeries seems highly alarming - in their 14-19, how many of them do actually know what they are doing? From school to media young girls are bombarded with so called perfect looks of present idols, photoshopped and and painted beyond recognition (I assume it would be a great shock if the girls met those idols in reality and found out they are just humans like anyone other). But when you think about that, how many supposedly adult women know what they are doing while doing the same thing? What is the scale of maturity? I´m twenty now - and still feel being as much a kid as I was twelve years ago.

But let´s leave the question of mental adulthood aside now and think about the morality of plastic operation itself. I find it interesting that a very similar philosophy, when it comes to Christianity and suicide (God gave you life and you have no right to take it), applies to such a permanent and drastic change of one´s looks - God gave you one body according to his consideration and you aren´t allowed to alter it. But what if you feel on the day you were created God was either asleep, or had very wicked sense of humour?

Nowadays when it comes to seriously physically handicapped or injured people, perhaps all the humans agree the religious view on the thing is pointless. But what if such operation undergoes for example a woman with no obvious flaw, except a long-term desire to have a C instead of A cup? In United Kingdom 85% of men are against silicon-made bust. But while most of men, women content with their natural size and even many people working in medicine laugh at operated breasts, their owners don´t - as it remains a statistic fact most of the women who had their breasts augmented experience increase of self-confidence and better sexual life. On the other hand there remains the question for how long will this effect on their psyche last - do they learn to love themselves for good after the thing that was a flaw in their eyes was improved?

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