Wednesday 1 April 2009

Adultery - Part I


"Life is amazing, life is odd. Life is not what you expected it to be. Things happen... growing up takes longer than you think."

Lauren Bacall

A Definition of Infidelity

Is it just a betrayal of trust or is it a solution of an impasse? Some people can commit adultery just to make their partner end their relationship, which is for them no longer bearable, however they are too weak to end it themselves, without visible reason. Others do it for their marriage has died years and years ago and they found someone who understands them - but is it still infidelity?

To what extent is infidelity harmful? That depends on individual conditions of each couple. In some cases it can save a relationship, as it is in human nature to not to value things till we are losing them - and both partners realize they have to work on what is between them. Also adultery can bring new opportunities - let´s imagine you are an all the time humiliated housewife, that can hear from her husband just sentences like: "Where is my dinner, you stupid old bat?". And suddenly there is a guy or lady elsewhere, that finds you interesting, open-minded, funny and attractive and does incredibly risky things to draw your attention - doesn´t that make you open your eyes and see your own power and possibilities? It´s a bit sad if someone realizes it only after an affair and thanks to help of someone else - but still, if the change is lasting, it is worth it.

On the other hand if it happens to otherwise harmonic and loving couple, the harm can be immense. In the beginning of a relationship people usually set their do´s and don´ts basing it on trust they both will respect them - and in most of the cases adultery is clearly a most violent abuse of these rules, and more importantly of the trust behind them. It can happen the cheated one will be never again able to trust any potential partner and maybe as a result of that either mistreat him/her or stay completely alone. You can forgive, you can forget - but the harm stays and hurts like a salt in open injury and complete trust is either never again possible, or needs thousand proofs to be reborn.

Although it´s true that in general, everyone can do a stupidity, during our lives we do so many of them we lose count. The important thing is how we face the consequences.

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