Wednesday 6 May 2009

Bulimia nervosa

It is interesting to point out person can suffer from anorexia and bulimia at the same time, with one of the ilnesses being temporarily dominant. My wish-to-be model friend is a classical example of that - she suffered from anorexia for approximately six years, during each of the years her anorexic symptoms were always replaced by bulimic ones for up to 4 months. Why was it so, we were never sure, however there was a certain pattern - she always started to eat more and then of course vomited it all or burnt all the calories immediatelly by insane, hours and hours lasting exercise whenever a boy turned her down or was made profoundly unhappy by any other sad event. After that however, despite all the vomiting and exercise madness she only kept gaining more and more weight (which was the self-preservation instinct of her body, to build up supplies of energy for the future torture) which made her even more unhappy and guilty - and she turned back to her "best friend" with granted losing weight effect, anorexia. Which, together with her absolute resistance against any plea to go visit a specialist, made her situation a merry-go-round without any exit possible. Bulimia nervosa is curable - but, as any mental illness, needs first a will to admit there is a problem and then to solve it to recover.

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